Golems are pawns that can fight. They always rule their clearing. They count as 3 warriors when rolling hits and they always take higher roll.
Golems can only be destroyed by removing Portal OR in combat, but only in their weakened state. Ignore all hits taken by any other means.
As soon as Golem uses it's Empowered Ability it shatters. Remove Golem pawn from map and place Golem Remains token in its clearing. Treat this token as warrior for Empower action.
Reveal 3 cards matching all clearings with Summoning Stones that are adjacent to forest with Portal. Place one of your Golems on that portal. Put Golem’s card in space on your board Weakened State side up.
You may move your warriors (ignoring rule) from a Golem’s clearing and clearings adjacent to the Golem (but not into Golem’s clearing).
Carry all actions according to Golem's card in any order.
Spend a card to place up to 4 (minus 1 per showing) warriors on a clearing with Summoning Stone OR any edge clearing.
If your Summoning Stone is destroyed in combat, immediately move one of your warriors from an adjacent clearing to clearing with the stone and attack the player who removed it. If your won the fight and the warrior is still alive, place a new Summoning Stone in this clearing.
Empowered State
Empowered State
Weakened State
Weakened State
Passive Effects
Passive Effects
As long as Void Golem is in play your warriors cannot die (they can't be moved from board). If they would be removed or moved from board, lie them down instead. As soon as your Void Golem is removed, remove all laying warriors.